The official website of the City of Portsmouth Ohio
Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM

Adopt-A-Park Program

The City of Portsmouth’s Adopt-A-Park program is a great opportunity for local organizations and individuals to get involved with their community. The City owns and maintains 13 Parks that are available for the entire area to enjoy. We take great pride in offering this amenity to the community, and hope that the community values the opportunities that these parks offer.

The Adopt-A-Park program’s goal is to get the community involved in keeping the City’s park system clean and visually appealing. Organizations are encouraged to put together a work plan that could entail scheduled clean-up days, landscaping projects, or other improvement projects in our parks. This plan can be tailored to the organization’s resources and could range from projects scheduled for 1-2 days a year, to efforts that would be on a more continual basis. The City is eager to discuss any opportunities there may be for an organization to get involved, and will provide guidance from our Service Director to assist in your improvement process.

For all approved projects, the City will place a sign in the project area recognizing the volunteer efforts of the organization.

The following is a list of parks that are within the City of Portsmouth:

Park Address Status     Adopted By
Alexandria Park Scioto Street
Bannon Park 15th Street and Robinson Avenue
Buckeye Park Williams Street
Cyndee Secrest Park Glen and Harding Avenue Sciotoville
Labold Ball Fields Williams and Boundary Streets
Martha Burton Park Front Street
Mound Park 17th Street and Hutchins Avenue
Roy Rogers Esplanade Gallia Street and Chillicothe Street
Sciotoville Community Square Harding Avenue Sciotoville
Skate Park 4th Street and Jefferson Street
Spock Memorial Dog Park 2nd & Vine Streets
Tracy Park 9th Street and Chillicothe Street
York Park Ohio Riverfront

Opportunities other than litter patrol are available. For example, planting of flowers or various other landscaping projects, maintenance and upkeep of playgrounds, ect are needed.

Please contact our Service Department at 354-7766 for information about this program. 

Adopt A Park Application