The official website of the City of Portsmouth Ohio
Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM

About Our City

Portsmouth is located at the confluence of the Ohio and Scioto rivers in the southernmost tip of the state. The City of Portsmouth is approximately 80 miles south of Columbus and 110 miles east of Cincinnati, with easy access to major metropolitan areas in the Tri-State Region. Scioto County is one of the most picturesque regions in the state surrounded by rolling hills, lush hardwood forests and scenic waterways.

We offer the best of traditional, small-town America. Portsmouth is a town of rich past and promising future. Friendly people, a low crime rate, a qualified workforce, great schools, beautiful surroundings and an affordable cost of living make this truly unique city a wonderful place to live. Shawnee State University, Ohio’s newest university is situated between the Ohio River and downtown Portsmouth. Cultural and recreational opportunities abound. From the nationally known murals painted on the floodwall to Shawnee State Forest, there are many tourist attractions within the county.

Phone Numbers

Clerks Office (740)-354-4706
Auditor  (740) 354-7751
Managers Office  (740) 354-8807

Water Department (740) 354-7515
Plans and Permits (740) 354-7557
Engineering Office (740) 354-7557
Code Enforcement (740) 351-1327
Fire Department (740) 353-2660
Police Department (740) 353-4101
Community Development

Service Department

Health Department

(740) 354-5673

(740) 354-7766

(740) 353-5153


km2, square


year of foundation

